Monday practices restart today at 7:00 to 8:30 at AVS

new players welcome

Grade 8 Girls 

Junior NBA Prep

This session is intended for those all girls in Grade 8 this year 

Grade 9 Girls that are eligible  may attend as well

Age Eligibility

U14 - Athlete does not turn 15 before September 1, 2019.

BC Bounce is opening up the Grade 8 session for everyone in the Abbotsford and surrounding area with the intent to practice and develop individual and team concepts with the purpose to select a team to participate in the Junior NBA Championships.  BC Bounce will hold an ID session on Monday September 17 at Abbotsford Virtual School at 7:00 to 8:30.  Everyone in Grade 8 is welcome to attend and (select Grade 7 players please contact Pat Lee at   

Mondays at Abbotsford Virtual School from 7:00 to 8:30

Sessions go from September 23 to March 8-9


AthElite Tournament - January 5 -6

Chelsey Ebert Ferndale Jam - January 18 - 20

BC Youth Championships - March 8 - 9

Cost $500.00